Essentials for Marathon Training Success

STOP: Don’t finalise your ... Marathon Training Plan until you've read every word on this page

This could save you months of heartache and wasted time and energy on ineffective training

I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU … How you can go from Jeffing Jogger to Master Marathon Trainer in just 5 days, including the same approach I use to eat right for my training, so I have all the energy to run and good nutrition to recover without putting on unnecessary weight. 

If you’ve got just 5 minutes a 5 day, I guarantee that at by Friday 12th January you’ll understand your marathon training plan and how to eat right to train and recover, so you can train effectively for your marathon even if you’ve never run a parkrun before. 

Did you realise that blindly following a plan without understanding what you’re doing, not eating the right foods and not pushing yourself hard in training could inadvertently sabotaged your marathon success!

Give me just 5 days and I’ll give you all the information you need to understand your marathon training plan so you can train effectively for your marathon without passing out on your long runs and giving up cake! 

By understanding your marathon training plan and how to fuel and recover from your runs, you can make small tiny, seemingly insignificant tweaks to how you train, so you can be confident of powering through your training to be ready for race day. 

Over 5 days of short sharp videos I will explain to you how I went from a Jeffing Jogger to a Master Marathoner. With this information and knowledge you can too. 

Hey! I'm Helen, The Cheesecake Runner!

A few years back I was just like you, not particularly fit … struggling with my diet … but with a crazy ambition that I wanted to run a marathon.  

As a keen cook and foodie, I decided I was going to really figure this whole running nutrition thing out. I researched and read all there was to know from nutrition experts, elite coaches, books and magazines, I looked at the evidence and upgraded my diet for my marathon training.  

And guess what … it worked!  

I lost a ton of weight training and came home 15 minutes ahead of my predicted finish time


I started my business because I was sick & tired of people struggling with their running from having bad nutrition and not finding a solution.